Spring 2016
C M Lehmann
12:30-1:45 TTh Office Hours: 11-12 TTh OBA
Old Main 212
East Hall 210, 5573, clehmann@usd.edu

This course treats the history of the European Renaissance and Reformation and the political and cultural history of Europe in the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries. Lectures, readings, discussions, and a term paper will introduce students to the leading figures, events, and ideas of the period as well as to methods of historical investigation.

Students must fulfill the following requirements: five short essays about the readings (10 points each) and midterm and final examinations (50 points each). Grading: of a total of 150 possible points, 135-150 = A, 120-134 = B, 105-119 = C, 90-104 = D. A student who expects to miss more than two meetings should consult the instructor before the third day of class.

ELECTRONIC-DEVICE-FREE CLASSROOM. Turn off and stow your electronic devices before the class begins. Students should attend all meetings, read all assignments, and participate actively in discussions. A student who expects to miss more than three meetings should confer with the instructor before the end of the second week. The instructor may drop students who cannot meet these requirements.

Students must have the following books, which are available at the bookstore or from your preferred vendor, by sale or rental. NB: Be sure to secure the specified editions except as noted.

Jonathan W Zophy, A Short History of Renaissance and Reformation Europe: Dances over Fire and Water. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2009. 0136056288
You may use the third edition of this book (0130977640), much more cheaply available in used copies.

Johan Huizinga. The Autumn of the Middle Ages. Trans Rodney J Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch. Chicago: Univ of Chicago Press, 1997. 0226359948

Pico della Mirandola. On the Dignity of Man, On Being and the One, Heptaplus. Trans Douglas Carmichael. Cambridge: Hackett, 1998. 0872203964

Machiavelli. The Prince. Trans Daniel Donno. New York: Bantam Books, 1966. 0553212788

Erasmus and Luther. Discourse on Free Will. Trans Ernst F Winter. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 1780938233

Natalie Zemon Davis.  The Return of Martin Guerre.  Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ Press, 1984.  0674766911


Recommended: Kate L Turabian, Manual for Writers. 7th ed. Chicago: Univ of Chicago Press, 2007. 0226823377

Write essays four to five pages long about each of the following readings. Keep the following issues in mind as you read, then compose essays that respond in general terms to the questions. The essays will constitute the starting point for in-class discussion. Each essay must include proper parenthetical citation (author, page number) for each instance of an idea referred to or passage quoted. Quote sparingly or not at all. Include a proper bibliographic citation at the end of your paper. For all matters of style follow Turabian, Manual for Writers and the history department writing guide. Students who want full credit must submit these essays in class on the assigned days and they may rewrite them in the following week for a better score.

  1. Huizinga, Autumn of the Middle Ages, chs 1-6, 12-14
    The first English translation of this book bore the title Waning of the Middle Ages. Read the book carefully for the author's theme; think about why he called his period an autumn. In your essay argue that the first translator did a disservice to Huizinga or that the new translators did so when they restored the equivalent of the Dutch word for autumn.
  2. Pico della Mirandola, On the Dignity of Man
    The remarkably successful reconciliation of classical, pagan thought and Christian religion distinguishes the Renaissance. Use Pico's argument to show how such a reconciliation could happen.
  3. Machiavelli, The Prince
    Does Machiavelli have a positive or negative view of human nature? Does he think any kind of absolute moral order exists in the world to guide human conduct? How should the prince, his subjects, and political theorists judge the prince's actions?
  4. Erasmus and Luther, Discourse on Free Will
    Identify the two or three main issues that separate Erasmus and Luther in their debate. How significant do you consider the differences? Could you reconcile the differences, if not the debaters?
  5. Zemon Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre
    How was Arnaud able to assume Martin's place? Think less of Arnaud's cleverness and more of the conditions that made people, esp Bertrande, accept him as Martin.


12 Jan Introduction: What are the Renaissance and Reformation? (Zophy ch 1)
14 Jan Chronology and Sources
19 Jan The Medieval Background (Zophy chs 2-3)
21 Jan Disc: Huizinga, Autumn of the Middle Ages
26 Jan Political History of Renaissance Europe (Zophy chs 4, 8)
28 Jan Renaissance Humanism of the South (Zophy ch 5)
2 Feb Disc: Pico della Mirandola, On the Dignity of Man
4 Feb The Northern Renaissance (Zophy ch 9)
9 Feb Renaissance Political Thought
11 Feb Disc: Machiavelli, The Prince
16 Feb The City Republic and the Ideal of Liberty
18 Feb The Age of Exploration and Discovery
23 Feb

Renaissance Art (Zophy chs 6-7)

25 Feb Renaissance Architecture
Slides: Renaissance Architecture and Art
3 Mar Historiography of the Reformation
15 Mar Ecclesiastical Corruption and Late Medieval Reforms
17 Mar Luther’s Discovery of Solfidianism (Zophy ch 10)
22 Mar The Monk, the Prince, the Emperor, and the Pope (Zophy ch 11)
24 Mar Discussion: Erasmus and Luther, Discourse on Free Will
29Mar Zwingli and Anabaptism (Zophy ch 12)
31 Mar Calvin (Zophy ch 13)
5 Apr The Reformation in France and England (Zophy chs 14-15)
7 Apr Reformation Political Thought
12 Apr The Catholic Reformation (Zophy ch 16)
14 Apr The Religious Wars (Zophy, ch 17)
19 Apr Disc: Return of Martin Guerre
21 Apr No class: Student History Conference
26 Apr Advances in Science and Technology (Zophy ch 18)
28 Apr Baroque Art and Architecture